Monday, October 26, 2009

Trying to get better at stuff

Okay, So I am trying to get better at blogging. It is not something that I am used to putting in the front of my mind. However, I need some income and from what I understand, if I can get used to blogging, I can start making money even though I do not have a 9-5. There is a site, that offer jobs to people who will do nothing but blog all day. That is kind of cool since I love to write. If I can do this, I will have found a dream job in a sense. My ultimate dream job would be to write books. I also want them to get published though and that takes money and/or other people to read and publish for you. Since the later of the two is not so much a reality, I have to get some income to publish my book.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mama and Baby....she is so beautiful

This is who I am with my daughter Mikayla "KK". She can be so great and so much fun to be around. She is like life on fire sometimes (in a good way).

I am working on getting some pics from our water skiing this summer. I of course freaked out in the water and could not do it. I have a serious fear of snakes and, well, I lost it and froze up like a dead fish. Larry had to carry me back to the boat. HOW SAD!!!!