Monday, October 26, 2009

Trying to get better at stuff

Okay, So I am trying to get better at blogging. It is not something that I am used to putting in the front of my mind. However, I need some income and from what I understand, if I can get used to blogging, I can start making money even though I do not have a 9-5. There is a site, that offer jobs to people who will do nothing but blog all day. That is kind of cool since I love to write. If I can do this, I will have found a dream job in a sense. My ultimate dream job would be to write books. I also want them to get published though and that takes money and/or other people to read and publish for you. Since the later of the two is not so much a reality, I have to get some income to publish my book.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mama and Baby....she is so beautiful

This is who I am with my daughter Mikayla "KK". She can be so great and so much fun to be around. She is like life on fire sometimes (in a good way).

I am working on getting some pics from our water skiing this summer. I of course freaked out in the water and could not do it. I have a serious fear of snakes and, well, I lost it and froze up like a dead fish. Larry had to carry me back to the boat. HOW SAD!!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

These few pictures that I have are of Jesika. She was playing with her Mommy on the new laptop that Grandpa Chuck got for Mommy. Taken in late August 2008.

Day one of Blogging for mom

Well, this is my first time attempting this. If this works out, I will do this more and more. It has proven to be a great way to share with family things that you usually can not share.

I hope you have fun getting to know our family.